isha coaching

We coach and support new & emerging women leaders who hold themselves back to overcome their comfort zone in order to achieve their goals and create meaningful impact.


Our Services


1:1 Coaching Services

for first time & emerging women leaders

Personal Leadership Workshops for first time managers & individual contributors

1:1 Coaching Services:

aRise Coaching Program

A 6 months intensive 1:1 Coaching program that will help you to get unstuck, achieve the success that you so deserve to have and bloom your way towards your fullest potential by being more of who you truly are.

Ideal for first time & emerging woman leaders.

coaching outcomes:

You will gain

  1. a deeper self-awareness: your key strengths, core values and your life purpose, and an ability to lead in alignment with who you truly are.
  2. clarity, self belief, decision making abilities as well as productivity
  3. the ability to overcome your Self-sabotaging behaviours such as imposter syndrome and procrastination.
  4. valuable coaching skills such as Active listening, giving constructive feedback, asking powerful questions and providing acknowledgement.
  5. better quality of personal & professional relationships.
  6. physical and emotional well-being including ability to manage your stress.
  7. better work-life harmony with more precious time on your hands for things that matter to you.

We also offer a similar 4 months journey with few changes. Please contact us for pricing and inquiries.

Group Leadership Workshops

Personal Leadership Workshops

Know Your Superpowers!

Discover your key strengths, gifts and talents - all those things that make you UNIQUELY YOU!

Workshop Outcomes: By the end of the workshop, participants will walk away with the following results -

  • Self-awareness of their key strengths, natural gifts and talents.
  • Increased clarity, confidence and self belief as a result of knowing their unique strengths.
  • Awareness of their strengths will increase their ability to actively use them leading to a direct increase in productivity, employee engagement and motivation, better business results and career growth.
  • Better ability to support their team members in recognising and leveraging their strengths.
  • Increased sense of well-being.


Vision Aligned Goals

Create your long term vision & form related long term and short term goals to propel you towards your vision.

Workshop Outcomes: By the end of the workshop, participants will walk away with the following results -

  • Better clarity about one's life/career long term direction and a sense of purpose.
  • Coming up with clear, measurable and time bound goals that are aligned to one's vision.
  • Increased clarity and motivation as a result of having specific goals.
  • Less stress and confusion owing to lack of clarity of vision and goals.


Adopting a Growth Mindset

Learn the power of inculcating a Growth mindset

Workshop Outcomes: By the end of the workshop, participants will walk away with the following results

  1. Develop a resilient outlook.
  2. Improved motivation to take on challenges and strive for personal and professional growth.
  3. Better ability to adapt to changing work situations as you are committed to your growth.
  4. Develop an attitude of life long learning to expand your knowledge and skills.

Workshop Duration: 90 mins

All the above workshops are ideal for first time leaders and individual contributors.

Please note - We also offer customised training programs on other related topics. Please contact us for pricing and inquiries.

About us


  • Personal Leadership & Life Coach (ACC, ICF Certified by Peter Reding, MCC, USA)
  • Founder, Isha Coaching
  • 14+ yrs of diverse work experience across IT, social sector & professional training & coaching
  • 200+ hours of professional coaching experience
  • Conducted 50+ workshops
  • 11+ yrs in the field of personal development


  • Personal Leadership & Life Coach
  • Diploma in Experiential Education & Practice
  • Certified Train the trainer
  • International Graduate Diploma in Counselling Skills
  • Bachelor in Engineering (CSE)

Pallavi Rao,

Founder, Isha Coaching

Personal Leadership Coach & trainer


"Pallavi is a coach who offers a safe space to reflect & come up with new ideas. She makes you feel comfortable, heard & understood during the coaching sessions. I value our sessions together as I could see the growth within me".

- Lucy, ICF certified Life Coach

"I opted for a self discovery coaching session with Pallavi. This opened up areas of possibilities for me that I did not think existed before. It is like a hidden treasure within you that the coaching session helps you find.

The session was professionally handled by her and gave me insights into aspects that were both surprising and satisfyingly self assuring.

I totally recommend her coaching sessions no matter what you are trying to achieve."

-Niranjan, Cloud Consultant

The best excellent business services rating customer experience concept

"I found my source to self-motivation: it is me and the fact that I am answerable to myself. Today, tomorrow and forever,

I would want to be a person who did her best. I can use what I have learned to push myself every time I find myself in a similar bottleneck situation. I can stop relying on external inspiration. I believe it will help me be happier as a person, both in a personal and professional sense.

Thank you for your trust, Pallavi. It was a very constructive experience for me and I will take away a lot of good things from it."

-Sneha, Consultant

Our past clients

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+91 9738478390

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